Monday, June 14, 2010

Sewing Patters Dance Wear

What a Mother Wants to Mother Gets 3 /?

Title: What a Mother Wants to Mother Gets
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: Yellow
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Type: History in Chapters
Summary : Molly Weasley When he wants something, he knows how to get it. And if this is something to see her daughter married, there will be some unscrupulous ... the suitor. This fanfiction is the last born, though it is the result of a draft of at least one year old. The inspiration has resulted in listening to Blondie and their Money, Money, Money.

Hogsmeade was often the scene of bizarre encounters, but never as what was presented to the eyes of Madame Rosmerta. Two women, sitting in a corner of the room, they were mutually exchanging looks of barely concealed enough, hidden from time to time some smile.