Friday, November 26, 2004

Man Ejaculating In Woman

whitefairychan @ 2004-11-27T00: 50:00

recently are just a script;)
But as I started to answer the quiz amikette, I decided to put a well on my lj. ^ _ ^

1. When did you first "friend" me / When he put me in your friends?
2. Why did you first "friend" me? / Why did you put in your friends?
3. What posts of mine do you like to read the best / What do you like my post to read more?
4. What would you like me to write about that I do / What do you want me to write in my LJ and I do not write that instead?
5. Do Would you think we be friends in real life / Do you think we could be friends in real life?
6. How Often do you read my journal / How often do you read my LJ?
7. What Do We Have in common / What we have in common?
8. Will you post this in your journal so I can answer / put this quiz in your LJ so I can respond?
9. Do I actually resemble Any fandom / fictional character in your eyes / Do you remember any character in the fandom?

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Painting Of Man And Woman Dancing

whitefairychan @ 2004-11-26T01: 53:00

VanityAngel , taken by artistic inspiration, made two dolls as our picture. I decided to put them here, I'm really pretty right? * _ *

Among other things, a bit like us really '^ _-