I trial for the first time such a thing.
Nick? shasian
Years? 21
Sex? M
Sexual Orientation? gay
Eyes? brown
lenses or glasses? lenses when the situation requires it, for convenience glasses
Hair? brown
Tinti? not now, in the past were of many colors
measures? 90-60-90
The part of your body that you love more? eyes
How are you dressed right now? is hot, I'm not dressed:}
the foot? nothing
the jewelry?
never to sleep? pajamas
Piercings? anyone, although I came close several times the idea
What are you studying? linguistic and cultural mediation
What music do you listen? mostly Italian singers
favorite Italian artist? Francesco Guccini
favorite foreign artist? Tim Burton
favorite song? I do not have favorite songs
The last song you listened to?
not remember the last song you sang? probably one of modena city ramblers
Associate's songs to people? no
The three songs that you want your partner doing? thousand questions about the songs and nothing about movies or books ...
those which you would not want you doing? could kill me if I devote gigi d'alessio
Style? I do not know
political spectrum? left
six animals? ideally so, in practice do not do anything to that effect
approve of the Moratti reform? no
The legalization of drugs? yes
The reopening of brothels? yes
Globalization? is a word that takes on a different meaning for each person who uses
Believe in God?
no religious practitioner?
not participate in a satanic ritual? no
Catholicism or Buddhism? Buddhism
Never spit in the face of a Jehovah's Witness? no
never wish to do so? yes
Your Favorite God? to south park
Johnny Rotten or Sid Vicious? sid vicious
Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne or Christina Aguilera? avril lavigne is the only one not kill
American Pie 1, 2 or 3? think I've only seen the two, and I would prefer not to have done
Asuka or Rei? totally ignore the topic
Kaworu or Sign? mah
Will or Grace? will, grace me nervous
Dharma or Greg? the father of dharma
Friends or Ally McBeal? ally
American Civil? not understand the question: \\
hatred or love? I hated a lot, so now I would say "love"
Cute or cool?
cool white or black? white
Right or left? left
marriage or cohabitation? Catholic marriage without divorce (if it goes wrong one can not deceive God and break the oath in front of him!)
Sex or love? love
Skirt or pants? pants
heels or wedges? but do not like heels, I prefer them to wedges
light or heavy make-up? light
The last time you cried? last night
The last book you read? the spirit of the gift, Godbout
The last thing you dreamed? I wanted to donate my semen to
receive many sms per day? an average, and they all speak of Veronica Moser Do you bite your nails? I have recently taken
Your utopia? utopia: a peaceful coexistence between peoples with fruitful intercultural dialogue. Realistically have a government that * at least * does not include CALDEROLI
Flirty? yes
ever loved someone? yes
What perfume do you use? not use it, I love to smell
About Venus? no
Who Take for example? none
Who tortured for eternity? well, you often CALDEROLI
Scazzi? not have a blog if it were not so
Now I guess you're like it is? mistakes instead
Rutti or chest?
The Beast or Gaston? cardboard * boring *
Travel in black? no
Peace, love or sex? are related
Batman or Robin? I hate superheroes
you want to have kicking ass Emilio Fede? should first understand what the ass U.S. or UK? UK
The first three words that come to mind? hamsters adventure CALDEROLI
I do not like you ever been kicked out of the classroom? no, than in the front row
Snow White or Cinderella? noianoianoianoianoianoianoia
Who made the crop circles? Borghezio and CALDEROLI
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? : If I tell you I
30 kg weight is a scalar, vector or a lie?
your three strengths lie? I never answered this question and do not intend to start now
Defects? several ...
wide or narrow? : The
Long or short? : The
How would you die? drowning in a stormy sea
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