Thursday, December 30, 2010
Template For Concert Poster
Wed, 15:30 : Online SEE-TECH.IT website: Construction site in html + css + php + flash. The site includes a slideshow ...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Pc Reason Will Not Open Orkester Disc
Wed, 14:36
- : Surviving the crisis ..
- Wed, 15:24 : Surviving the crisis ..: Added a new article on my blog in the category on the world of web and d. ..
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Free Indean Satellite
Choose products available on the website of sex shop and delivery is ensured by December 24.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Magnetic Tape Reader & Writer
Sat, 17:36
- : Image Optimization SEO: Today a small update in the field of seo and more ...
- Sat, 22:12 : Optimization SEO Image
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Spectral Tiger Mount Generator
Title : It's All About Practise
Fandom : Lovely Complex
Characters : Atsushi Otani, Risa Koizumi
Rating: Orange
Genre: Comedy
Type: One-shot
Summary: The complex of Otani has always made a ridiculous kiss in the mind of the boy, but when the couple's relationship goes beyond a simple kiss inevitably, what happens?
Note: This story was written for the Maritombola @
Does Real Life Incest Happen
Title: It's Christmas Magic!
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Albus Potter, Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy
Rating: Yellow
Genre: Comedy
Type: One-shot
Summary: Scorpius is forced, despite himself, to hear the eccentric gifts of Albus.
Note: This story was written for the Maritombola @
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
How To Turn On E71 Front Cam
Have you thought about your Christmas presents?
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Monday, December 6, 2010
Monster Energy Drink Coloring Sheet
the Author, Fabrizio Campisi says with easygoing skill and great detail what happens when a sex shop opens up a website with a live chat to increase purchases and facilitate the communication with their customers. These take advantage of anonymity of chat and wild ...
Dissatisfied customers who are protesting because the set sado-masochistic not working properly, women in crisis because they can not use the vibrator and won by the lover, fiery fetishists who write letters to a doll inflatable Arzilli retirees looking favorite porn film ...
This is a faithful collection of incredible and endless questions that have gradually passed under the eyes of the author and seller of sex shops. Hilarious anthology of invective ungrammatical, ingenuity and unspeakable desires of a vast number of people, providing an unpredictable description of sexual habits of the Italians.
"But the sex shop where is your work?", It will seem strange, but this is the most frequently asked question among centinania that arrive daily to a known website for the sale of erotic items, in which the author provides, via chat , daily work of advising clients. A seemingly random question, however, reveals the need to know who you're having to do, combined with the desire to establish a contact, a kind of complicity with the person on the other side of the monitor, which are entrusting their curiosity and the whims so far untold.
The author, on the other hand, precisely because of this employment, met in person a lot of strange people: as the entrepreneur that he wanted to make a mold of his penis made of gold, or Mistress who arrived in stock to buy an S & M gear and to prove we tied the clerk, squeezing like a sausage ...
A surreal and funny book with sharp irony and lightness that tells the other side of the Italians: a population of fake moralists who actually thinks about sex much more, and so much more varied and quirky, to what believed.
the comment of a reader: "entertaining, enlightening, talking about sex with originality and clarity. I recommend it. "
For those who have not yet read: hurry up!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Mys. Gepilar Montenegro
Sat, 12:36
- : Updates
- Sat, 13:03 : Updates Some updates from: first, as ...
- Sat, 14:59 : Updates: Some updates from in the first place, as well as links that ...
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Ross Kemp On Gangs Online Kenya
now it is almost Christmas and getting ready: Racing for the purchase of gifts, looking for appropriate clothing for the occasion, buy panettone, sparkling wine and delicacies, then all the kitchen to cook something special.
What stress!
Some people, however, not liking the formalities to avoid unnecessary distress and wanting to give this place a hot Christmas, decided to make gifts sexy, buying directly on the Internet through virtual sex shops.
What's better than saving precious time and energy, shopping from home in a sex shop online?
In this sex shop you can buy without stress many articles for adults as well as sex toys, accessories, jokes and sexy clothing! Thanks to our
virtual sex shops, you can finally say "Viva gifts online and lowers stress "
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Confidentiality Statement Email
Wed, 10:45 : Just uploaded 'List Social-search-engine' to SlideShare.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Lichen Planus Treatment
Sun, 22:33
- : Social Bookmarking Site and Search Engine for your Link Popularity
- Sun, 22:33 : hotpot: a new feature of Google
- Sun, 23:15 : hotpot: a new feature of Google: I have discovered a new feature in Google (by the way ...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Chat Bots Thatactually Work
Sat, 15:39 : Je heads Yoolink Publier pour facilement des liens:
Thursday, November 25, 2010
How To Sew Anarkali Suits
Tue, 14:30 : I referenced my blog on Viadeo: Delizard's Blog
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Raytheon Pension Director
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Nike Half Black And White Shoes
Title: Neverending Milky Way
Fandom: Inuyasha
Characters: Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, New Characters
Rating: Yellow
Genre: Romance, Action, Adventure
Type: History in Chapters
Summary: Sequel of Back to the Past. Fifteen, almost sixteen, passed by the vicissitudes of Inuyasha and Kagome. Kaeru has grown and contains within itself two distinct entities: the human and the demonic. Which of the two will pay his own heart?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Costs In Running A Hedge Fund
Title: Neverending Milky Way
Fandom: Inuyasha
Characters: Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, New Characters
Rating: Yellow
Genre: Romance, Action, Adventure
Type: History in Chapters
Summary: Sequel Return to the Past. Fifteen, almost sixteen, passed by the vicissitudes of Inuyasha and Kagome. Kaeru has grown and contains within itself two distinct entities: the human and the demonic. Which of the two will pay his own heart?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Countrie That Eat Little Calories
Well, the big day has finally arrived.
That is, the day on which - thanks to the patience of
- There are no more subcategories. Ergo, one-shot, flash-fic, stories etc. chapters. are shown together in one section (eg Harry Potter, etc...)
- now see a list of characters by which you can go directly to the stories that most interest you.
In light of this it is clear that I have to change the links on this community. Therefore, attention . The links on Abyss are all rough or link to pages not correct. Therefore, do not be surprised, and above all do not use it as a reference until you give the green light to the whole.
EDIT 28/09/2010 - The links of history under the tag , fandom: harry potter have been adjusted.
29/09/2010 EDIT - The links of history under the tag ; fandom: his dark materials , , Fandom: football , ; fandom: lovely complex , ; fandom: world record have been adjusted.
Thank you!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Rosalind Hursthouse On Virtue Ethics
I hope I never have problems with internet connection, we'll hear directly from Korea! Otherwise, well ... in September!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sewing Patters Dance Wear
Title: What a Mother Wants to Mother Gets
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: Yellow
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Type: History in Chapters
Summary : Molly Weasley When he wants something, he knows how to get it. And if this is something to see her daughter married, there will be some unscrupulous ... the suitor. This fanfiction is the last born, though it is the result of a draft of at least one year old. The inspiration has resulted in listening to Blondie and their Money, Money, Money.
Hogsmeade was often the scene of bizarre encounters, but never as what was presented to the eyes of Madame Rosmerta. Two women, sitting in a corner of the room, they were mutually exchanging looks of barely concealed enough, hidden from time to time some smile.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Menstruation With Sand
"L 'Hanami (花 见 bed." Admire the flowers ") is the traditional Japanese custom of enjoying the beauty of spring flowering of trees, in especially the health of Japanese flowering cherry trees. Nowadays, the festival is also an opportunity to go out and eat a picnic sostazioso sushi, sake and beer with plenty of shade trees in bloom. "
(Scopiazzatura from wikipedia . wikipedia big Oooh, thank you for your existence! XD) I
mangiare un bento sotto un albero di ciliegio ammirando i petali che cadono *__*
Peccato che in Italia non ci sia una tradizione del genere, e peccato che non ci siano alberi di ciliegio, sono così belli *__*
Vorrei piantarne uno nel mio giardino anche se attualmente ha più l'aspetto di una giungla selvaggia
Credits: Flickr
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
How To Make Guy Fawkes Hat
Cridits here
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Authorize Propellerhead Record
I finished it today and I liked it very much!
The story is not so original, but in my opinion was shot very well. I'll try to write a short story: Go Eun Sung is a girl who comes from a wealthy family, the father remarried after her mother Eun Sung died, leaving him with his daughter and his autistic brother (and former and from there I had planned a long series of bad luck XD horizon). The father suddenly finds himself having to face bankruptcy, scatendando the ire of his wife which suggests to us viewers that she married him mainly for the money, and after managing to get a paltry loan
I loved the 'actress is really pretty and I really liked her acting, and I must say her look.
For more info: DramaWiki
Friday, January 29, 2010
Legend Of Galactic Heroes Series Order
This first post will try to explain in broad terms the nature of this blog. :) First
a very important thing is that this blog has no pretensions of any kind, will serve only to unleash the madness of my tiny brain that may not manifest itself in real life for obvious reasons, although perhaps
Another very important thing is that personally I am a creature very fickle and mostly inconclusive, so I do not know what post it, I do not know if this blog will soon be bored or whatever. I spent hours contemplating the empty spreadsheet before deciding to write something, think about what to write in the post next to me one thousand Seghino mental, but now as this account exists and would otherwise be left alone and abandoned, without no trace of life, made me a little pain and at the end I said to myself, why not use it? And so I will do, or at least I'll try.
So now no more talk, see you in the next post: P