Saturday, December 25, 2004

Any Way To Straighten Teeth Without Braces?


Today I saw one of those old globes with paesaggini winter and snow in ... I was inspired to make this image. Okay, 'a little' crazy ... but the subjects are beautiful, no? ^ __-

Merry Christmas to all! ^ _ ^

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

How Much Diesel Would A Van Use Per Mile

whitefairychan @ 2004-12-22T23: 36:00

Loll I made this card for Christmas.
's not 'beautiful summer? * _ *
Loll Thanks again!

Thursday, December 9, 2004

Walmart Wrangler Vs Wrangler Jeans

Bloody Angels. Chapter 10

Rating: NC-17
Subject: VanityAngel and WhiteFairy
Told by : WhiteFairy

Disclaimer: The characters in this story does not belong to us, were inspired by those created by Tolkien, but their actions, their thoughts, their character, have been modified by us from the originals. They are very different from the original ... that if Tolkien saw them in this state would certainly be caught by a big headache ...

Comments: Siiiii! ^ _ ^


Legolas had gotten into the habit of walking alone in the gardens in the evening. The Royal Palace of Imladris was very different from that of the Wooded Realm, was different and the garden that surrounded him. The trees were thinner, more elegant and perhaps belonged to some species that had rarely seen, and so are the flowers that adorned the huge flower beds. He liked to watch them, wrapped in their perfume, and listen to them. Plants were different from those that grew in his kingdom, and had new things to tell him. They had never suffered as much as those of Mirkwood, but even they were afraid he could hear it clearly. Perceived evil, even though it was far from done.
Walking in the garden, relaxed, and helped him to distraction. The events of the previous days he had been very upset, he felt tired and alone. Celebrían lady was still in worrying conditions, the wounds were healed in the body, but could not overcome the horrible memories of his captivity. Remained locked in his apartment and received only the family members. Legolas could not help but think that even his mother if he had saved, he would strascorso a long time in that state. Instead Elladan had fully recovered, and this calmed a little.

what continues to trouble him was the thought of Aragorn. He had only a few days to meet him, but he liked it immediately. He was fine with him, had spent hours on end talking about many different topics, as if they had known all along.
He had seen many things in him, and everyone liked them. He had seen his courage, respect for people, loyalty and value. And the sweet, unexpected, unpredictable, with whom he was close when he saw him distressed. He had warmed my heart, and access a flame now burning low, hidden, but always present. Something small and reassuring in him. Something that did not yet know clearly read and understand. What
felt for him? A great physical attraction, for sure. He wished, and perhaps it had always wanted, from the first moment he had known.
How long were those few days when they were separated! He had thought about him constantly, praying that Glorfindel found him, distressed at not see her again. And as soon as he could had met along the road. When she met him on the bank of the river, had smiled. Even Aragorn
he wanted, and how they had responded to his smile had confirmed him. They had looked for one brief moment, but their eyes had said something, had heard him clearly. As you were saying something their hands while they huddled to help the fugitive to come on horseback, and they said something their bodies, as he felt his arms Gird up your loins. The return trip, especially remembered the feeling of warm body holding him tight, his fingers sought her, touching at every opportunity, as if they were looking forward to something. Impatience, most common among men with whom the elves, had had a strange effect, there was something fresh and exciting.

Then come to Imladris, had had enough and found themselves still concerning you in the eye to understand what they wanted both, and that string, that kiss with passion was like a relief, a release something that had been suppressed, because it could not be shown in front of others. Something secret, urgent and necessary. And huge. Something that could not yet fully understand, and that troubled him.
A shiver ran through her back every time I think of that moment. But each time, recalled that Elrohir had said only a few minutes later.

are very much in love.

shook his head. Flirty. How could she be in love with Arwen, and have behaved like that with him? He felt disappointed and did not even know what he exactly.
Legolas was unable to lie to himself, at least not for too long. That situation it was forced to think, to ask what those feelings were a bit 'stirred the heart and that until now had always pretended not to see.
Aragorn liked. And they wanted. But for the first time he realized that satisfy physical desire would not be enough. Without realizing it, he wanted to be in his heart, and there he only. He had him show his love for another person, who had made him suffer. He felt betrayed, even if they had no right, he realized. Aragorn had never talked about his feelings, he had only hinted to want it, it was probably only attracted by his appearance. Nothing else.

He stopped in front of a tree, putting her hand on the trunk, his fingers absently followed the designs of the cortex. Suddenly he heard the sound of water, without realizing it had come close to the stream. When one looks dated back to the shore, where the wet grass sparkled under the stars and suddenly became aware of them. Aragorn and Arwen, standing facing each other, in the midst of slender bridge, hands in hands. Their profile is cut in the night, designed by the faint moonlight.
That vision made him evil, an evil that could not explain and understand, but he felt like burning down her throat that prevented him from close cruel breath.
Was that love? Keep a person in his own heart, and suffer per non essere nel suo?
Appoggiò la fronte al tronco dell'albero continuando a guardarli da lontano, nascosto dalle fonde. Poi si allontanò. Vederli lo aveva fatto sentire ancora più incerto, costringendolo a continuare a guardarsi dentro, a cercare di capire. E farsi del male. Qualunque fosse il nome del sentimento che provava, non era ricambiato. E questo bastava a farlo soffrire.

Era una follia. Aragorn era un uomo. Era cresciuto tra gli elfi, ma era un uomo. Un mortale. Suo padre lo aveva più volte messo in guardia dagli uomini. Erano esseri inaffidabili, deboli e spesso più avidi perfino dei nani. E probabilmente era vero, visto che il suo comportamento non era stato corretto. Come poteva dire di amare Arwen ed essersi let it go that way with him?

Absorbed in these thoughts, he continued to walk aimlessly, without wondering where he was going. When he stopped he realized to be back near the palace. He did not want to get into her room, leaned his back against a tree and closed his eyes. He wanted to relax and clear your mind of everything. He was tired. And confused.

It was not so long ago when she heard noises near. He recognized the light step of the man who for too long was the center of his thoughts. Had approached him and stopped a few feet away from him. He opened his eyes slowly and watched in silence, without removing the back from the tree.

"I passed near here, and I saw you, "he said shortly after the fugitive, as if to justify his presence.

Legolas continued to stare in silence.

" Everything okay? "Aragorn ventured closer until you get really close to him.

not Legolas replied, continuing to observe the light blue of the moon. He paused on facial features. ... Perhaps what pleases him, if he had approached more, he still felt the warmth of his body, the scent of her skin. And perhaps would have felt even the smell of Arwen. Yes, that was really, that hurt. The fact that it could not be her, not completely.

Aragorn reached out and held out his hand to his face, brushing cheek gently with his fingertips. He had done it before, and that gesture the elf had always felt a strange emotion.
"Legolas ..."

The elf began to speak almost without realizing it.
"You should come back to her?"

The man had a slight tremor, and quickly lowered his gaze. He remained motionless for a long moment, her eyes fixed on the ground, something like trying to say. Then he nodded slowly.
"Excuse me," she whispered. And what exactly I apologized not even know him, but he felt doverglielo say. Then he went briskly without looking back.

Legolas stood looking at him as he walked away. He wanted to chase and stop it. How many things he wanted to tell him, but had no effect, at that time. It was little enough, and the spell was broken. It was the right thing. He could not let that story go forward. It was not fair to Arwen, and how she hated to admit it, was not able to handle it. She breathed deeply, trying to ignore the tears that had started to moisten the eyes. He would not cry, not even himself. He did not want to admit to suffer so much for a stupid death. Yet, all this hurt him, he suddenly felt insecure and alone again, as he had just given up something important. And necessary.


Confused and disheartened, Aragorn walked towards his room.
You should come back to her? Legolas' words were like a slap in the face. That was fully deserved.
pursed his lips, wondering what the elf was thinking of him now. Probably she had seen him as he spoke with Arwen, or someone had told them. It certainly could not blame him, if he was angry. His behavior was not transparent, and even less honest, neither to him nor to Arwen. He realized.

You should come back to her? Those words still echoed in his mind, as the image of his face shrouded in gloom. The had looked into his eyes before speaking. But in his eyes had not read contempt or hatred. He had seen only disappointment, and suffering. His conduct had hurt him.
He stopped. He wanted to go back and tell him what he felt, but he could not make clear in the mixed feelings that stirred in his heart. He was attracted to him, terribly. He loved to Arwen, was a wonderful person. But what I feel for Legolas was something different, something intense and overwhelming that confused him.
He turned for a moment to observe it from afar. Hardly saw his profile in the night light that was too weak to his eyes from the human. He remained motionless, with his back the trunk of a tree, staring at the ground. An image dark and melancholy, which he himself was the cause.

walked on, reached in a few minutes the building and climbed the stairs up to his room. As I walked the long corridors still thought of Arwen.
had gone into the garden to walk around and talk about them. They had stopped on the bridge, and she had taken her hands as she spoke. A slight breeze brushes her hair from her face and moved the hem of his robes. Her white dress looked almost luminous in the moonlight, silver embroidery and caught the sparkle of the stars. It was so beautiful and fragile, in that moment, a diaphanous creature, made of light and magic. Yes was removed from his neck, and habitually wore the pendant that had given him.
"So I will always be with you told him, as if to repeat his promise.
And he, as always, had recalled their differences of race, and the gift of immortality to which she wished to discontinue. At that moment he felt guilty, as he thought of Legolas. He had faced a marvelous creature, which in its purity gave him all of herself, giving up what bound her to her people. And he had betrayed. Because what he thought and felt, for Legolas, was a betrayal of her.
The elf, as every time he had repeated his decision, but at that moment, he saw a shadow through the face. For a moment, and for the first time he saw the doubt in his eyes, and told him what he had experienced in the days when Elladan ran the risk of dying or having to give up his light. His speeches were confused, contradictory. Perhaps that incident had forced her to think about what was really dead. Perhaps he no longer felt secure in her choice.
Aragorn could not blame her. Their union was impossible, she had always known. And how many times he had insisted that Arwen would reflect more. If we now had changed his mind, he should be the first to understand it. Strangely, at that moment, I worried more about Legolas's opinion against him.

sighed, rubbing his face with the palms of your hands. She always felt attracted to the wrong people. Even Legolas was immortal, and would hardly be considered if not for a simple friendship. Maybe it was attracted by his appearance and had approached. But now probably felt deceived by the ambiguous behavior that had held against him, and would no longer trusted him. It was certainly the case. He had lost, even as a friend.
She threw herself on the bed without even taking off his clothes, and stood looking at the full-length profile of the branches of trees that tended toward the window. He felt so stupid. He had the attention of two wonderful creatures, and had betrayed them both. But on the other hand, were both too much for him, and never had any case neither. It was something I had always known. He grew up among the elves, but that was different from them. He had always known, but it was so bad, now.


In the days after several people came to Imladris. The first to arrive was Boromir, the eldest son of the Steward of Gondor, which followed a group of dwarves led by Gimli son of Gloin king. Dwarves and elves had a low opinion of one another, Elrond had always kept a good relationship in terms of diplomacy with Gloin, but between the two peoples there was never was a true friendship. Gimli was also this time to discuss some issues related to the security policy of Middle-earth, not for a pleasant visit to the King

Last to arrive was Enedhil, prince of the kingdom Woody, escorted by some warriors.
Legolas felt his heart swell with joy at seeing his brother, he ran against in and joined him again before he descended from his horse. She looked for a moment, her blond hair in contrast to the long dark green cloak, his face smiling but a bit 'pulled by the fatigue of travel. She held out a hand to help him get off and then threw his arms around his neck and clung to him.
"I missed you" she said, and smiled. At

evening, dinner was held in a large hall. Elrond asked his guests to sit at his table, men, elves and dwarves. They ate quietly, speaking of the most diverse subjects except those who were closest to his heart, lest we see the birth of discussion and because everyone knew that the forces of evil scheming in the shadows, but no one knew exactly what was happening. Everyone wanted to know, but at the same time they were afraid to speak.

Celebrían Lady had been in his apartment. Beside the King, sat the three children and Aragorn. In front of them Gimli, Boromir, Legolas and Enedhil. When he met Aragorn in front of the door of the saloon, Legolas greeted him with kindness and presented him with his brother. Then he gave him no longer the word, if not forced. Behaved politely and courteously, and no one had noticed anything, except the twins who, being accustomed to see them laugh and talk all the time, were astonished at the coldness but they were questions. Arwen also noticed it, and asked no questions, for fear of being indiscreet.

The next morning, Elladan and Elrohir and Legolas Enedhil proposed to go out for a ride. The inner part of the Valley was safe, because the sentries guarding the crossing points and all the steps, so the four youths decided to take a quiet day away from the building. They had all four need to rest. Actually, the twins Aragorn had also invited, but the fugitive had refused with an excuse. The four
elves spent the morning riding through the meadows covered with flowers, and walking through the undergrowth. Around lunch time we sat at the foot of the trees, sheltering in the shade of their leaves and eat a frugal meal of bread and fresh fruit dessert, chatting about this and that. Elladan finished eating he got up stretching and walked a few paces to lie in the sun, the brother teased him, calling him a sleeper then got up and lay down beside him. Legolas smiled, their love in those moments was so sweet and clear, at least for those who could read their expressions and movements. She turned her face towards Enedhil who sat beside him, leaning against the trunk of a big tree, and asked for news of family, his brother began to speak of his father and brothers, the last events of their kingdom and closest friends. Legolas smiled and listened, interrupting from time to time to ask him questions. It had been only weeks since he left home, but it seemed they had been away for ages.
Suddenly Enedhil put her arm around her shoulders, pulling him gently. Legolas let him, leaned his forehead to his cheek and closed his eyes. The light of the midday sun caressed the huge lawn around them, turning the green and thousands of colors. All around, the silence was broken only by the hum of insects in the grass and flowers.
was in that quiet moment, as he felt his brother's arms tighten around him, that he had not realized how really, what he needed to see it, feel the breath of air in the home that he had brought with him the scent of its forests and its far-off land. Curled up against him and listened to his voice.

Enedhil continued to hold him, stroking his hair. He had suffered much for the long separation, as it was not a part of himself. From left him only because he knew that was what the younger brother in need. He wanted to go to help the twins, she wanted to do for them what he could not do for himself. He needed to regain its security. Now I had done. Finally we had found, and would return home together, he was sure. Then maybe things would go as before, they would spend every day together, as they had always done. She felt him move slightly
, and bowed his head to brush her forehead with her lips. It did not seem real yet to be able to tighten the arms.
He went to Imladris Elrond to warn of the escape of Gollum from the subterranean prisons. Flight in which he had certainly been helped by the dark forces. They were all very concerned, because this confirms that the evil was in Mordor really starting to move. But at that moment everything seemed to Enedhil less scary, because finally meet him was his beloved brother, and whatever had happened, they would be together again.


A few days later he held a secret council called by Elrond. Was attended by the King, his two sons, Aragorn, the closest advisers and guests. Among them were Gandalf, Frodo, the mezz'uomo who had been brought to Imladris by Glorfindel, Legolas and his brother, Boromir, and some dwarves, including Gimli. They talked of many things, the situation of the different kingdoms of evil that was moving against them all. And we talked Ring, the One Ring, all of which had somehow heard about it but no one had ever seen. It was known that had belonged to Gollum, for hundreds of years, but now, with the surprise of all, he had Frodo. After much discussion, and a great argument generally made a decision: Frodo would have brought the Ring to Mordor to be destroyed, and would be accompanied by Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas and Gimli. The group is also joined by Sam, Merry and Pippin, the three young hobbit Frodo's friends. They were not warriors, but the friendship that bound them, urged them to leave all together.

The Council had lasted only a few hours, and during those hours had seen Enedhil fade hopes to return home along with Legolas. When he saw his brother Elrond choose to represent the race of Elves in the Fellowship of the Ring, he had felt his breath stop for a moment. He wanted to stand up and ask to go with them, but could not.
looked with envy at the young hobbit who have participated in the expedition. Just learned that Frodo would leave, decided to follow him, and nothing would have prevented him. They were free, without the obligations that he had. He wanted to be prince, and have no duties to his people. Then he would leave himself, Legolas to follow, to help him, protect him. And do not leave him alone. But given the situation, was forced to return home. This time the Their separation was to last a long time. Inwardly prayed to the Valar protect her beloved brother, who took him home soon. Could not bear to lose him.

Chapter 9 Chapter 11


Ok. Chapter transition, written after an almost total block. Taaante other things had to happen, but really, I was not out ... one in the next chapter that promise will be 'much more' lively! ^ _-

Friday, November 26, 2004

Man Ejaculating In Woman

whitefairychan @ 2004-11-27T00: 50:00

recently are just a script;)
But as I started to answer the quiz amikette, I decided to put a well on my lj. ^ _ ^

1. When did you first "friend" me / When he put me in your friends?
2. Why did you first "friend" me? / Why did you put in your friends?
3. What posts of mine do you like to read the best / What do you like my post to read more?
4. What would you like me to write about that I do / What do you want me to write in my LJ and I do not write that instead?
5. Do Would you think we be friends in real life / Do you think we could be friends in real life?
6. How Often do you read my journal / How often do you read my LJ?
7. What Do We Have in common / What we have in common?
8. Will you post this in your journal so I can answer / put this quiz in your LJ so I can respond?
9. Do I actually resemble Any fandom / fictional character in your eyes / Do you remember any character in the fandom?

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Painting Of Man And Woman Dancing

whitefairychan @ 2004-11-26T01: 53:00

VanityAngel , taken by artistic inspiration, made two dolls as our picture. I decided to put them here, I'm really pretty right? * _ *

Among other things, a bit like us really '^ _-